Data Analytics for Starcraft II
How passion projects can advance your dataviz skillset as well as helping a community you care about
Mina Ozgen
Partner, Aimpoint Digital
Partner, Aimpoint Digital
Partner, Aimpoint Digital
All too often in the Business Intelligence world we are focussed on business applications and business objectives to the extent of pigeon-holing ourselves and our skills. While community projects set up and hosted by others provide easy participation, they’re rarely topics we feel passionate about.
Start from the other end of the process: find a community objective that you care about, which you can help achieve using your skills, and you’ll find yourself more engaged, having more fun, and learning a lot more.
This is a case study in doing exactly that. Even if video gaming isn’t your own passion, join this session to see how the process of creating your own passion project unfolds, and how the rewards come back twofold.
Join Mina at DataVizLive on 10 November, and get the chance to ask questions and learn more about the work she did in analysing the mechanics of this game. Get advice as well on starting your own passion project, and how to bring your skills to a community you care about.
TYPE: Presentation
LENGTH: 30min
SCOPE: Tactical, Operational
AUDIENCE: BI, Gaming, Journalism
SKILLS NEEDED: Alteryx, Tableau
EXPERTISE: Intermediate
TAGS: BI, Data Journalism, Data Literacy, Storytelling
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