Adam McKinnon
People Data & Analytics Lead, Reece Group
How to calculate the real ROI of interventions and behaviour change.
Adam McKinnon presents a series of case studies demonstrating the use of people analytics to understand relationships and quantify impact in HR settings.
- A practical demonstration of the application of people analytics (statistical methods and machine learning) to address definitive business questions
- Demonstrating how to use various methods to add practical value to HR and Non-HR decision makers
- Strengths and weakness of the approaches – no sugar coating!
Measuring Relationships and Impact Using People Analytics
How to calculate the real ROI of interventions and behaviour change
HR strategy, learning, performance, and operations.
This session will explore:
- Measuring impact of HR initiatives over time
- Measuring the impact of different HR initiatives
- Understanding the relationships between performance objectives and performance ratings
- Forecasting absenteeism to optimise contract staff scheduling
Key takeaways:
- Practical examples of the application of different methods (statistical and ML) to apply in varying practical settings
- A practical demonstration of processes and technologies employed
- Thinking creatively about ways to measure the impact of HR activities.
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Adam is the People Data & Analytics Lead for Reece Group. Drawing upon a multi-disciplinary background in Psychology, IT, Epidemiology and Finance, Adam is an advocate of asking two questions in his work: So What? and Now What?
He employs Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to synthesise the scale of modernl companies, making it understandable and usable, so that organizations can embrace employee centricity in their decision making.