Be Data Lit 01:04 – All the Data Ladies (with Catherine d’Ignazio and Lauren Klein)
Allen Hillery & Sarah Nell-Rodriquez meet the authors of 'Data Feminism'
Allen Hillery
Data Literacy Advocate
Sarah Nell-Rodriquez
Senior High-Touch Success Manager, Tableau
With co-hosts Allen Hillery and Sarah Nell-Rodriquez
Be Data Lit is about increasing advocacy in the Data Literacy space, while empowering ALL individuals to thrive in a data driven world. Our data literacy focus is on diversity, underserved communities, and non-traditional paths toward success with data.
In this episode, Allen and Sarah (fangirl and boy) chat with the authors of Data Feminism, Lauren Klein and Catherine D’Ignazio.
They talk about their career journeys, and the importance of applying intersectional feminist thought when analysing data. Lauren and Catherine are serious badasses, sharing how the Data Feminism journey started with a conference paper.
Join us in this episode as they share how their journey began with a leap of faith, leading them to team up to write a book inspiring new generations of data feminists.
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